As the Institute of Internal Auditing - Turkey, we believe that for all our national institutions and organizations to be competitive in the international arena, they should have a governance structure that pays attention to common sense and solution-oriented thinking, be open to creative ideas, create and support change with a different perspective. To that end, in the last 7 years of our conferences that we have been organizing for twenty-seven years, we have hosted leading opinion leaders, business people, academics and senior company executives both in our country and in various countries of the world, as well as professional professionals. Our biggest motivation in this regard is to enable Internal Audit professionals, who are referred as the insurance of corporate management, to better understand the expectations of board of directors, subcommittees, and senior management and to raise their awareness.
Every year at the International Internal Audit Conference, we bring together valuable panelists who give insights about hot topics of their profession and global issues with our stakeholders. You can access the programs of previous years’ Conferences on our website.
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